Luxmore Hut - A Kepler Track Day Hike

Making the most of one of the many photo spots overlooking Lake Te Anau.

One of the best full day hikes out of Te Anau is the trek to Luxmore Hut. This 8 - 10 hour day rewards you with incredible views over lakes Te Anau and Manapouri, while giving you a taster of one of New Zealand’s 9 (soon to be 10) Great Walks.

Leaving Invercargill at 7.30am Candace and I arrived in Te Anau at 9am and headed to the Kepler Track Carpark to begin our day. We’d had the most amazing sunrise on the drive up and knew that we were in for stunning weather. I was very excited to get on track as I’d heard about just how incredible the Kepler is, as well as the views from Luxmore Hut.

The first section of track was relatively flat and so well graded in comparison to our prior adventure at Green Lake, and it was such a nice change to be on a track where we didn’t have to climb over trees or up scree slopes. After about an hour we arrived at Brod Bay which is the first campsite on the track and also a beginning point if you choose to make use of the water taxi from Te Anau and cut this first section out. As we were just doing a day hike though this didn’t seem necessary as we knew we’d only be on track for one day. I’m not a hiking purist by any means, but if it’s walkable I’m probably going to add it in.

From here we started our slow and steady climb up to Luxmore Hut, the track a winding pathway that was easily navigable and still well graded. This section of track isn’t super steep, however it is relentlessly uphill, and there is no way of knowing how close you are to the top of the tree line. There are multiple places to stop and enjoy the views though, and once you reach the limestone cliffs it’s not much further until you’re out in the open again. Limestone Cliffs are just so beautiful to me for some reason and this was definitely one of my highlights of the trail. Being able to sneak peek the lakes through the trees as we climbed upwards was also great motivation to continue moving forward.

From here it is a short ascent to the top of the tree line, before bursting out into the open to 360 degree views of Lake Manapouri and Lake Te Anau, as well as their surrounding mountains. Making your way across boardwalks, through tussock on top of a mountain is just one of the most amazing feelings. The views just get better and better and there are so many places for photo opportunities, as well as to just sit and admire the views before even reaching Luxmore Hut.

Candace and I reached Luxmore Hut after 4 hours of hiking in good weather conditions. We were privileged to have the perfect day for it, so keep in mind that this could take longer if it has been raining or if there is snow present on the track in winter months or the shoulder seasons! After a short break at the hut to refuel our bodies we decided to head up to Luxmore Caves for some extra exploration as we had plenty of time on our hands. This short 20 minute side trip offers more great views and once we got to the caves my nerves did set in a little. Caves kind of freak me out, the idea of being in an enclosed space with one way out is slightly terrifying, however I felt safe with Candace by my side. We didn’t go too far into the cave system as we both had our packs on, but I felt more confident after doing it and proud of myself for facing one of my fears. If you’re wondering why we left our packs on, it was because of the many Kea on the track, who are known for their cheekiness and incredible ability to break into hiking packs. In hindsight, we probably could have left these at the hut for the short detour!

Soon enough, it was time to make our way back to the carpark and I found myself craving a swim while hiking downhill in the 25 degree heat (°C). Once we reached the carpark we promptly set about finding a swimming spot for me, and then following that some much needed food!

The Kepler Track gives you plenty of options for choosing day walks to suit your fitness level. From Te Anau it is possible to catch a water taxi to Brod Bay to get started on your journey whether you are doing the full track, a day hike, or an overnight stay at Luxmore Hut. If you are planning to start from Rainbow Reach and walk in a clockwise direction there are also shuttle services that will drop you off, and again you can conquer the full track, or do a day walk or overnight stay to Moturau Hut or Shallow Bay Hut, both fabulous options to immerse yourself in the outdoors as a family or a beginner hiker. Of course, there is always the option of parking at the carpark and walking from there. Tracknet is a great option for booking transport to and from hikes in and around the Fiordland Region as well.

As the Kepler Track is a Great Walk, all huts and campsites are bookable both during peak and off season. You can make these bookings through the DOC website by creating a Great Walks account at the link below.


Key Summit - We didn’t reach the summit!


Roys Peak